Thursday, July 18, 2019

Kitty Demure is against kids involved in all of the following below this video. She is a voice that nobody wants to hear. I love Kitty Demure. She and I are both against anything sexual that has to do with kids involving grown ups, including: any family member, stranger, care taker, teacher or leader who molests kids whether it be schools, gymnastics, boy scouts, quire boys in Catholic churches, toddlers in tiaras and girls being taught how to dance erotically and erotically on a pole at dance classes... and any kids attending Gay pride parades, which should be for 18 and older; story hours where stories are NO LONGER being told, rather queens gyrate and dance seductively for kids, or kids who do drag shows in gay bars. Evidential proofs are below.

Transgender female Blaire White is right on target. She is one of the classiest, famous transgenders. I agree with her on so many levels.

Here's a library drag show with a drag queen dancing and gyrating for children. The children have dollars in their hands to give to the dancer. Drag Queen story hour is no longer reading books, these people are sexualizing kids. Imagine if a female stripper or a chip-n-dale stripper were doing this for kids, people would be against it.

This video has a drag queen dancing seductively for a little girl.

Here we have a child at a gay pride parade. Child looks disgusted as he views the old mans penis. Not so bad at the swimming pool locker room, this is in public. Nothing like indigenous tribes in hot climates who are always mostly naked, this is a sex parade.

Sodom and Gomorrah

This was taken at a hotel conference room where families watched Drag Queens gyrate. Children gave money to the dancers. The video below is at the same event.

Kitty Demure speaks of the picture below...

Here we have a naked drag queen 
with his junk tucked between his legs.
This is not the child's family or guardian. 

UK Drag Queen Story Hour  
Teaches Kids How To 
Twerk With Sexual, Thrusting Gyration.

Again, I agree with Kitty Demure. I love Ben Bruces Drag, he's an excellent makeup and fashion artist. I've never seen him do a show, and I personally am not much for the sexual humor, but when a guy dresses up like Monty Python to make people laugh, then I think it's funny. As an art, Drag reminds me of Kabuki. Kids in the Hall, hillarious!

Boycott Good Morning America 
where Desmond the child drag queen is exploited.

Here's Desmond dancing for money in a bar 1

 Here's Desmond dancing for money in a bar 2

Texas hotel and other conventions 
with Drag Queens gyrating provocatively for kids.

 Desmond: Rohypnol Date Rape Drug Written On 
The Painting Behind Them On The Wall.

 This Sex Ed for Kids Is Truly Messed Up

Messed up